Procurement opportunities may arise in any CDB borrowing member country where CDB finances a project.

CDB’s Guidelines for Procurement governs the procurement of goods, works and non-consultancy services, and the Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants, which governs the procurement of consultancy firms and organisations, as well as individual consultants. The Basic Needs Trust Fund Programme (BNTF) has its own procurement guidelines, for goods, works and non-consultancy services, which is a condensed version of the above-mentioned Guidelines for Procurement that is relevant for the BNTF context.

Unless otherwise indicated in the Procurement Plan, Invitation to Bid or Request for Expression of Interest, in the case of firms or organisations which are corporate bodies these entities need:

  • to be legally incorporated or otherwise organised in a CDB member country;
  • have their principal place of business in a CDB member country and;
  • be more than 50 per cent beneficially owned by citizen(s) and/or bona fide resident(s) of CDB member country(ies) or by a body(ies) corporate meeting these requirements.

In the case of unincorporated firms, such as partnerships, or individual consultants the persons must be citizens or bona fide residents of a CDB member country.

No, to ensure like-for-like competition, firms and individuals are not permitted to bid against each other. Consultants are referred to paragraph 5.1 of the Guidelines for Selection and Engagement of Consultants.

Opportunities may be identified through:

  • Prior to the formal procurement process commencing, through reviewing CDB’s Strategic Plan 2015-2019  and the country strategies CDB has agreed with its borrowing member countries. It is recommended that interested companies and individuals also consider individual borrowing member countries’ strategic plans and budgets which are in the public domain to ascertain their priorities;
  • Once new projects are approved by the Board of Directors under the Bank’s new disclosure policy, the board papers detailing each project will be posted to the CDB website which give an overview of the project and their main components;
  • Upon, and sometimes before, the signing of a Financing Agreement between CDB and the Recipient of financing a General Procurement Notice (GPN) will be published on the CDB website and on the UN Development Business (UNDB) website.  GPNs are issued according to a standard CDB template and detail at least the contracts that will be subject to international competition;
  • At approximately the same time as the GPN is published the procurement plan for the project will be published on the CDB website. While financial information will be reacted, so as to not undermine the procurement process, the plan will detail the expected contracts to be placed under the project, the procurement/selection methods to be used and will provide an indication of the timeframe; and
  • As individual procurement opportunities arise Specific Procurement Notices (SPNs) will be issued. Should these be below the threshold for international bidding they will be advertised in the local press and should they be subject to international bidding they will also be available on the CDB and UNDB websites.

In the first instance the executing agency, detailed on the procurement notice, should be contacted. If you do not receive a response in a timely manner, you may contact the bank at

In the first instance, you should direct your complaint to the executing agency which is responsible for managing the procurement. Should you not receive a response, or be unsatisfied with the response received, you may escalate it to the bank at Should your complaint be related to possible fraud and corruption it should be directed to CDB’s Office of Integrity, Compliance and Accountability.

Yes, you can seek feedback from the executing agency as to why your bid/proposal was not successful.

Registration is not required but CDB does have a Register of Consultants we would encourage both firms and individuals to register in.

CDB provides periodic face-to-face training for those agencies executing its projects and for the private sector. In addition, the Bank also offers online procurement training and online presentations and webinars.