
CDB Sponsors Spirit of Parkinson Award

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Music Teacher, Mr. Randy Eastmond is the recipient of Barbados' Parkinson Memorial School's 2012-2013 Spirit of Parkinson Award, sponsored by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). The Spirit of Parkinson Award is presented to the teacher who is adjudged to best demonstrate dedication in execution of duty, high levels of teaching proficiency, care for students, respect and support for school policies and involvement in school programmes and initiatives. Described by senior staff as "having vision, a good teacher and one who reaches beyond that to a mark of excellence," Mr. Eastmond said he has enjoyed teaching at the Parkinson Memorial School for the past six years. "There is a great diversity of personalities and talents amongst the students. The best part of my job is the opportunity it offers to play a role in students' musical development, assisting from the embryotic stage to the semi-professional stage. Two success stories of our music programme are Ms. Amber Barrow, a vocalist and musician who has already performed on local stages and Mr. Mylon Clarke, a saxophonist who was recently awarded a scholarship to Berklee College of Music." As the recipient of the Spirit of Parkinson Award, Mr. Eastmond will attend the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) 69th Annual Conference & Exhibit Show slated for March 14-17, 2014 in Los Angeles, California, USA, compliments CDB. The graduate of Kingston University in the United Kingdom, and the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, said he is excited to be attending the conference. "I look forward to learning about new theories, approaches and programmes which I can incorporate into my teaching because the core principals of teaching apply across the Board, irrespective of subject matter." CAPTION: Information Officer (Ag.), Mr. Collin Cunningham (left) presents Principal, Parkinson Memorial School, Mr. Jeffrey Broomes with a sponsorship cheque for the 2012-2013 Spirit of Parkinson Award.

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