
Over 60 Traffic Enforcement Officers in Belize Receive Road Safety Training

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On July 18 and 19, 2013, the Government of Belize's Ministry of Finance and Economic Development successfully held the first in a series of introductory road safety training courses, in support of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) funded Road Safety Project which was launched in March of this year. Over 60 traffic enforcement officers in the Department of Transport, the Police Department, the Tourism Police, and the municipalities, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Press Office completed the training. The training was facilitated by Ms. Mavis Johnson, Founder and President of the Canadian Traffic Safety Institute and took place at the George Price Center for Peace and Development, and the Belize Institute of Management. Elements covered during the training include the Five Pillars of the global road safety initiative referred to as the Decade of Action, and a review of the components of an effective management framework including the Safe System Approach. The Government of Belize has received USD7.2 million in loan financing from the CDB towards the cost of the Belize Road Safety Project and is contributing a further USD1.6 million. The Government of Belize noted that the introductory road safety training is the first of several training programmes to be delivered over the next three years which will be directed at specific road safety partners, focusing on their individual priority topics.

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