Dominica Geothermal Development- Volume 4 – ESMP, Framework ESMS and Assessment Against WBG Standards
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The ESIA Volume 4: ESMP, Framework ESMS and Assessment Against WBG Standards provides the following: 

  • An Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) – Summarises the mitigation and monitoring measures that should be employed during construction and operation for the Project. The ESMP will summarise the DGDC’s commitments to address, mitigate and monitor risks and impacts identified as part of the ESIA, through avoidance, minimisation and compensation/offset. 
  • A Framework Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) - The Framework ESMS provides a framework of the key elements for developing and implementing an Overarching ESMS which sets out how the mitigation and monitoring will be implemented, checked and reviewed for the life of the Project. 
  • Assessment Against WB Standards Assessment – The assessment provides a summary of how the Project conforms to the requirements of World Bank Performance Standards for Private Sector Activities, OP 4.03 (2013). 
Table of contents

Important note about your report


1. Introduction

2. Environmental and Social Management Plan

3. Framework Environmental and Social Management System

4. Assessment Against with World Bank Performance Standards