In 1998, CDB implemented its Natural Disaster Management Strategy and Operational Guidelines (NDMSOG) under which approximately 11% of the Bank’s total lending and technical assistance was expended in the period up to 2008.
In 2009, CDB’s Disaster Management Strategy and Operational Guidelines replaced NDMSOG as it was noted that “with increasing frequency, countries in the Region are facing situations in which scarce resources that were earmarked for development projects have to be diverted to relief and reconstruction following disasters, thus setting back economic growth”.
This evaluation covers the period from 2009 to 2017 and was intended to:
(a) gather evidence and lessons to inform a new iteration of DiMSOG;
(b) understand the relevance and effectiveness of DiMSOG; and
(c) identify CDB’s comparative advantage regarding Disaster Risk Management in the Region and the best role for the Bank to play given its focus, capacity and lending instruments.
The evaluation cites 15 main messages, and 9 recommendations.
Volume 1- Management Response
Final Report
- Executive Summary
- Introduction to Evaluation
- Context of and CDB Response to Natural Hazards and Climate Change in the Caribbean
- CDB’s Overall Disaster Management Strategy and Financing Portfolio 2009 – 2018
- Evidence on Performance and Results of Specific Instruments Under DiMSOG
- Evidence on DiMSOG Thematic Issues
- Lessons Learned
- Recommendations
Volume 2- Annexes