Review of CDB's Education and Training Policy and Strategy (2017)
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The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has a long history of engagement in the education and training sector, which is one of the Bank’s core areas of work. The current guiding framework for CDB’s work in the sector is the 2017 Education and Training Policy and Strategy (ETPS). The overall goal of the 2017 ETPS is to improve the quality of education in Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs), leading to increased learner outcomes producing a qualified, capable and representative workforce of diverse individuals, to reduce poverty and achieve inclusive social and economic development for the Region.

This review was commissioned by CDB’s Office of Independent Evaluation (OIE) to assess the performance of CDB’s work in the education and training sector from 2017 to 2021 and inform an update or renewal of the ETPS by drawing lessons and making recommendations to improve the development effectiveness of the Bank's future strategies and programming. The review was framed primarily as a formative exercise to inform strategic questions about CDB’s contributions and its current role in the sector. It was conducted by Universalia Management Group (Universalia or UMG) from February 2022 to April 2023.

The intended audience is the CDB Board of Directors, CDB staff and management, the education team in the Social Sector Division (SSD), and CDB BMCs and development partners in the Region.