This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation of the Sixth and Seventh Cycles of the Special Development Fund (Unified) of CDB, covering the period 2005 - 2012.
The evaluation assessed the utilisation of SDF6 and SDF7 resources based on the criteria of Relevance, Strategic Positioning and Responsiveness; Effectiveness; Efficiency; and Sustainability; as well as Results Based Management and Monitoring and Evaluation. Gender and the Environment are analysed as Cross-Cutting Issues.
The evaluation is intended to provide evidence to improve the selection, design, preparation and implementation of SDF-funded interventions; increase the value-added by CDB in addressing its overarching mission of systematic poverty reduction in BMCs; and enhance the coherence, integration and alignment in meeting the CMDGs, including Development Effectiveness, and other strategic development objectives beyond 2015.
The report provides 8 recommendations.