Working closely with the CDB, WTW and Sustainability Managers have undertaken a comprehensive diagnostic of existing DRF instruments in the market to determine the most suitable gender sensitive innovative disaster risk financing (DRF) instruments for deployment across Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs). The diagnostic was completed between March 2022 and March 2023, with outputs delivered in a series of reports and presentations: Risk Audit Report, Assessment of Disaster Risk Management Actions Report, Situational Analysis Report, and DRF Instrument Selection and Recommendations Report.
The diagnostic was undertaken drawing on both desk-based reviews of relevant documents, literature, technical papers, and through stakeholder consultations which involved engaging with a total of ninety stakeholders from national disaster rick management, gender and finance ministries and agencies, as well as Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) across the BMCs. The diagnostic was also informed by relevant case studies, regional and international best practices, and lessons learned across various spheres.
This diagnostic reinforced existing research and practice that recognises the critical requirement to consider gender issues when identifying, introducing, and creating an enabling environment for the use of DRF instruments. This is necessary given the differing roles of men and women in society and recognising that natural hazard impacts often impact men and women and their respective livelihoods in different ways. Gender mainstreaming must therefore be central to any disaster risk financing strategy aiming to enhance resilience to disasters.
List of Acronyms - Page 3
Acknowledgements - Page 4
Executive Summary - Page 5
Introduction - Page 7
Approach and Methodology - Page 8
Risk Audit Report - Page 9
Assessment of Disaster Risk Management Actions Report - Page 12
Situational Analysis Report - Page 15
DRF Instruments Selection and Recommendations - Page 18