Country Strategy Paper- Montserrat 2012-2015
text-based cover for Montserrat's 2012-2015 country strategy
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The Country Strategy Paper (CSP) outlines the assistance strategy of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for Montserrat over the period 2012-15.  In shaping the CSP, discussions were convened with key country officials, as well as principal development partners, in an effort to sharpen focus, avoid duplication and strengthen synergistic relationships. 

The support programme rests on two broad outcome areas that are in concert with CDB’s own priorities.  These are: facilitating sustained economic growth and development effectiveness; and increasing resilience and reducing vulnerabilities.  The strategy will help the Government of Montserrat to deliver a range of outcomes including: strengthening human capital; improving livelihoods in at-risk communities; broadening economic opportunities; and safeguarding development gains through improved disaster risk management practices.  Gender will be a cross-cutting theme in the strategy.  The CSP, therefore, reflects carefully considered interventions in critical sectors which offer significant poverty reducing or income generating potential.


Table of contents

Country Data

Executive Summary

Summary Matrix of Proposed Strategy and Results Framework

  1. Development Context: Key Issues and Development Challenges
  2. Government's Development Strategy
  3. Caribbean Development Bank's Assistance Strategy
  4. Results Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
