Country Gender Assessment - Antigua and Barbuda 2014 - Volumes 1 and 2
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This Country Gender Assessment aims to bridge gender inequality theorizing with available statistics and indicators, as to provide an in-depth analysis on the situation and the status of women, men, girls and boys in Antigua and Barbuda. Human development, multi-dimensional poverty and gender inequality rankings are unavailable for Antigua and Barbuda, chiefly due to missing data. Other notable gaps are country specific sex-disaggregated data and gender-sensitive indicators, which would further support understanding of gender inequalities in Antigua and Barbuda. 

Within the broader Antiguan and Barbudan socio-cultural context, women are not considered to be at any systemic or institutionalized disadvantage to men. Many policies and programmatic interventions are developed without any reference to gender equality, and are referred to as ‘gender blind’ or ‘gender neutral’ as opposed to being understood as void of critical gender considerations. Meanwhile, women in Antigua and Barbuda continue to be adversely affected by systemic, institutional and socio-cultural, political and economic inequalities. 

Table of contents


List of Tables and Figures

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Part I

Part II

Part III
