
Climate Change Centre

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July 30, 2008No. 15/08-BD NEWS RELEASE CDB GIVES FINANCIAL SUPPORT TOCLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is to provide a technical assistance grant of USD476,300 to the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre to set up an information clearinghouse. This is in support of the scientific research component of the Centre's work programme. The Centre, located in Belize, is a specialised agency of CARICOM. These funds will be used to purchase computer hardware and software to improve data storage, project management, and short-term specialised services to design, establish and provide initial operational support for the information clearinghouse. Specifically, the project will focus on upgrading the Centre's web-based information portal to improve functionality and content; providing improved computing and data storage to allow the Centre to archive data from its own activities; and providing project management services through an IT specialist who will serve Project Manager and coordinate the design and implementation of activities over a two-year period. The objective of the project is to improve the Centre's information system to enable it to generate quality scientific data and technical tools, as well as knowledge resources for CDB's borrowing member countries (BMCs). This will improve the countries' access to the wealth of available resources on climate change. CDB is of the view that sustainable development of the BMCs is unlikely to take place without addressing the challenges which will come from a permanent change in the climate of the Region. - END -

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