
Belize Social Investment

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BORROWERThe Government of Belize (GOBZ)COUNTRYBelizeEXECUTING AGENCYThe Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF)LOAN AMOUNTUSD15 millionSUMMARY OF PROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe project is an integral component of the Government's National Poverty Elimination Strategy and Action Plan. It is expected to lower deficits in water and sanitation infrastructure, improve access to health and education services and reduce social vulnerability. Community involvement will be an important component throughout the sub-project cycle and the project will be demand-driven.BENEFITSThe objectives of the project are improved living conditions and enhanced social capital in poor and vulnerable communities. Approximately 100,000 persons living in 90 poor communities will benefit from this project.BORROWERThe Government of Belize (GOBZ)COUNTRYBelizeEXECUTING AGENCYThe Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF)LOAN AMOUNTUSD15 millionSUMMARY OF PROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe project is an integral component of the Government's National Poverty Elimination Strategy and Action Plan. It is expected to lower deficits in water and sanitation infrastructure, improve access to health and education services and reduce social vulnerability. Community involvement will be an important component throughout the sub-project cycle and the project will be demand-driven.BENEFITSThe objectives of the project are improved living conditions and enhanced social capital in poor and vulnerable communities. Approximately 100,000 persons living in 90 poor communities will benefit from this project. July 22, 2010 No. 29/10-BD CDB APPROVES FUNDING FOR BELIZE SOCIAL INVESTMENT PROJECT The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is supporting the Government of Belize in its continuing commitment to raise the standard of living of the poor and vulnerable in that country. CDB's Board of Directors has approved a loan equivalent to USD15 million to the Belize Social Investment Fund to invest in social and economic infrastructure, social services and organisational strengthening sub-projects. The project is an integral component of the Government's National Poverty Elimination Strategy and Action Plan. It is expected to lower deficits in water and sanitation infrastructure, improve access to health and education services and reduce social vulnerability. Community involvement will be an important component throughout the sub-project cycle, and the project will be demand-driven. Since its inception 14 years ago, the Belize Social Investment Fund has played a key role as the Government's main implementing agency in the provision of basic infrastructure and social services in poor and vulnerable communities. In 2002, the Fund was given the mandate to manage the CDB-funded Basic Needs Trust Fund Programme in Belize, which is a similar poverty-reduction initiative with a community-driven approach. Approximately 100,000 persons living in 90 poor communities will benefit from project.

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