CDB’s Office of Independent Evaluation (OIE) Five-Year Plan (2017) highlights Country Strategy and Programme Evaluations (CSPEs) as one of its key activities. This evaluation examined CDB’s support to the region’s small economies, including countries and territories that are members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). Following an evaluability assessment in 2017/18, OIE launched this evaluation in November 2018, and it was carried out between late January and July 2019.
The objective of this evaluation was to assess Bank programming and performance in up to ten of its Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs), using the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. The evaluation is intended to inform the design and implementation of future Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) and programme interventions. The intended audiences for the evaluation are the CDB Board of Directors, CDB management and staff, governments of OECS member countries and territories, and CDB’s other development partners.