
CDB provides Grant to reduce incidences of Gender-Based Violence in Grenada

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In an effort to reduce incidences of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Grenada, the Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) approved a Technical Assistance Grant to the Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA) to provide social and education programmes to address GBV in that country. The grant, which will be disbursed though the Legal Aid and Counselling Clinic (LACC), a project of GRENCODA, will be used to strengthen the capacity of the LACC to provide psychological and psychoeducational programmes, public education and the dissemination of best practices. CDB' 2014 Country Gender Assessment (CGA) for Grenada revealed that there is significant statistical evidence of GBV, based on records kept by the Royal Grenada Police Force. Although LACC offers assistance to clients with a wide range of legal and social issues, GBV is reportedly the most prevalent issue requiring its services Division Chief, Social Sector Division, CDB, Deidre Clarendon, said that the Bank expects that this programme will have a great impact on incidences of GBV in Grenada, particularly because of the multi-dimensional approach that will be used. “The Project will address the needs of both the victim and the perpetrator, and will also involve a public awareness campaign, which is expected to deter the occurrences of GBV in the country. This multi-dimensional approach has been espoused as being key to addressing issues of GBV." The project will be implemented over a two-year period, with the first disbursement being made by March 2016. It will be implemented through four main components, including The delivery of three cycles of psycho-educational programming geared at responding to GBV: including group counselling programmes for men and women, and a programme catering to young men who come into conflict with the law while attending school, or young people who are 18 years or younger The delivery of broad based psychosocial services for victims of violence, including the delivery of counselling, mediation and psychological services for a two-year period Public education and awareness work aimed at the prevention of GBV, including a Social Mobilization Project for the Prevention of GBV as well as sensitization workshops The development of a policy brief, which will capture reflections on the implementation of the project as a best practice for the region. The policy brief will be distributed to National Gender Bureaus in CDB' Borrowing Member Countries. The total cost of the project is US$240,400, and CDB will provide US$198,380, with the remaining funds being provided by GRENCODA. CDB' contribution will cover the cost of consultancy services, workshops, public awareness campaigns, assessment tools and training aids. The Project is consistent with CDB' Special Development Fund objective of poverty reduction and human development. It is also consistent with CDB' strategic objectives of supporting inclusive and sustainable growth, as well as the Bank' cross-cutting theme of gender equality.

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