The Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Fund (CIIF) was established in 2017 with an initial USD2.6 million in capitalisation from the Caribbean Development Bank. It is a multi-donor fund, which supports the development of the creative industries (CI) sector in the Caribbean. CIIF’s goal is to enable the region’s cultural and creative industries to be globally competitive.
CIIF completed a pilot cycle of operations and grant funding between 2018-2023. The fund awarded 30 grants resulting in directly serving over 500 stakeholders across our 19 BMCs. CIIF also launched and piloted technical assistance to the CIs in Haiti from 2020-2023, through dedicated grant funding valued at USD198,000, directly serving 90 beneficiaries.
In June 2023, CIIF was granted approval and additional resources for a further period of operations to 2027.
The CIIF is designed to provide support to the Caribbean region’s CI sector through technical assistance. Alongside facilitating industry training, research and business development activities, CIIF provides grant funding for innovative projects within the cultural and creative industries, aligned to three grant streams - Enabling Environment, Data Intelligence, and Improved Competitiveness of Creative MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises).
CIIF has five priority sub-sectors:
1. Fashion & Contemporary Design
2. Visual Arts
3. Audio-visual (Film, Animation, Gaming)
4. Festivals and Carnivals
5. Music
Taking lead from CIIF’s guiding pillars, projects and partnerships are expected to demonstrate a significant measure of innovation, collaboration and sustainability.

Governments, Business Support Organisations, Universities, Non-Governmental Organisations and Creative Enterprises in CDB’s 19 Borrowing Member Countries. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions section below for more information.
CDB introduces a more robust and responsive support for Caribbean creatives
CIIF supports women spurring rebirth of Mayan art and fashion
CIIF helps tap Haitian festivals for growth
CDB issues US$100,000 in Emergency Relief Grants for Creative Industries Sector
Grant Funding Opportunities
CIIF currently awards funding via calls for proposals/applications for the priority sub-sectors: Visual Arts, Music, Fashion and Contemporary Design, Audio Visual (Film and Animation) and Festival and Carnivals. Selection is via a series of competitive public calls for applicants. Applications are currently closed but will reopen this year. Stay tuned to this space and our social media channels for updates.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions section below for more information
Other Opportunities
There will be ongoing opportunities and calls for participation in grant projects under implementation. There will also be opportunities for participation in training programmes and access to knowledge resources under our Community of Practice portfolio.
If you are an experienced practitioner with at least 5 years’ experience in consulting, you are invited to apply to our CIIF Consultants' Directory. Subscribers are considered for CIIF consultancies relevant to their qualifications and experience.
CIIF developed the Creative Industry (CI) Profiles with the aim of addressing the primary constraints to the growth of CIs in the Caribbean. These include financial, capacity building, networking, access to CI data and market barriers that are impeding the growth of smaller scale creative enterprises in the Region, despite global growth trends for this sector. The CIIF List provides valuable information as at 2020 on the resources available in each country which are relevant to building a robust and globally competitive CI sector.
View our first 10 profiles.
Frequently Asked Questions
CIIF provides grant financing and technical assistance (TA) to cultural/creative practitioners who are 18 years and older, registered micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and business support organisations (BSOs), which support the CIs sector in CDB’s Borrowing Member countries (BMCs).
Entities/practitioners deemed as eligible to benefit from CIIF support must operate in at least one of CDB’s 19 BMCs under one or more of the following CI priority subsectors: Audiovisual, Fashion, Music, Festivals and Carnivals and Visual Arts.
Entities must be legally registered and can include: governments, universities and academia, non-governmental organisations and community-based organisations, and chambers of commerce, BSOs, including government agencies, ministries, and statutory bodies, providing technical support to MSMEs in the CIs sector.
Projects not directly related to any of listed priority subsectors will be assessed using a special mechanism to determine its eligibility for support. The form of support will be determined by the outcome of the assessment.
Overall Total Funding: USD1,694,000
2024 Total Funding: Over USD700,000
Component I – Up to USD90,000 each will be awarded through a competitive selection process to 6 projects under the enabling environment scheme.
Component II – Up to USD100,000 each will be awarded through a competitive selection process to 3 projects with a focus on data intelligence.
Component III – Up to USD50,000 each will be awarded through a competitive selection process to 12 projects focusing on enterprise/MSME development.
A call for applications will be advertised and will outline the project theme, requirements, link to official application form and submission date. Applicants applying under Component III will also have the opportunity to apply through the CIIF designated Business Support Organisation (BSO) partner in their respective countries.
Currently, grant funding opportunities will be open quarterly over a period of 36 months.
The application to award process varies and may range from 2 to 4 months depending on a number of factors including, volume and quality of applications received and availability of external evaluators.
The implementation timelines for projects awarded may vary from 3 months to 1 year or any such period agreed to in the contract between CDB-CIIF and the grantee.
We encourage and require evidence of collaboration and give preference to project implementation activities that incorporate two (2) or more CDB Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs).
An external evaluation panel of sector experts will assess project applications and make recommendations for funding.
Grant calls are shared via CDB databases, website and some social media channels. We encourage you to subscribe to our Consultancy and Stakeholder databases via www.caribank.org/ciif and follow the CDB’s social media channels.
CIIF will be engaging Business Support Organisation (BSO) partners across the region to assist applicants with completing their applications. Application consultation sessions will also be hosted by CIIF to engage grantees and provide further details on a given grant opportunity after the opening of the grant call.
While CIIF programming remains open to all eligible BMCs, including Haiti, a further dedicated intervention will be contemplated for CIIF Haiti pending confirmation of the availability of additional resources, outside of CIIF’s financing structure.
Beneficiary MSMEs and other eligible entities are expected to contribute a minimum of ten percent (10%) of project costs in cash and or in-kind.
Once a grant has been awarded, the grantee is invited to fine tune the selected project proposal and engage in a collaborative exercise to develop a Terms of Reference (TOR) in relation to the project with CIIF. A contract agreement that outlines the project terms of engagement is then signed by the grantee and CDB. This is followed by the project implementation and grant disbursements as per agreed timelines.
The timelines for disbursement are dependent on the agreed terms outlined in the grant agreement contract. Once all payment conditions are met and a disbursement request is made through CIIF to CDB, the processing time for funds to be posted to the grantee’s approved bank may take a minimum of two (2) weeks.
Grant funds are aligned to project deliverables and are disbursed in tranches.
Yes, currently past grant awardees may submit applications for scheduled grant calls. In addition, CIIF intends on launching grant opportunities that target past grantees.
Grant proposals are primarily accepted in response to and during the period of scheduled grant calls.
CIIF offers training resources, opportunities to participate in grant-funded projects, opportunities to provide professional services to grant-funded projects.
All applicants - successful and unsuccessful will be notified about the outcome of their grant application. Regrettably, we are unable to provide detailed feedback to unsuccessful applicants at this time.
Interested persons will get the opportunity to engage with CIIF through public stakeholder consultation sessions, discovery call requests and through our webpage at www.caribank.org/ciif.
CONTACT OUR TEAM: ciif@caribank.org