Dominica Geothermal Development- Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan

This Draft Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP) was prepared on behalf of the New Zealand (NZ)Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade for the Dominica Geothermal Power Plant Project, located in the Roseau Valley, Dominica. The Draft ARAP has been developed based on the results of the census survey conducted by Dominica Geothermal Development Company (DGDC) of potentially affected landowners at the power plant and along the reinjection line route. Although a socio-economic census was conducted for purposes of ARAP, it should be noted that a number of the landowners along the reinjection line are no longer in country and as a result for 2 parties, the full census was not able to be completed. Further information has been added based upon phone surveys, but this ARAP will need to be supplemented with updated census data in Q4 2018.

In September 2017, the Island was devastated by Hurricane Maria. This Draft ARAP has been developed post the Hurricane and reflects changes in land use, land acquisition and livelihood restoration for the Project post the disaster.


Table of contents
  1. Introduction 
  2. Legal and Institutional Framework
  3. Socio-Economic Background of Affected Community and PAP Census
  4. Identification of Project Impacts
  5. Eligibility and Entitlement
  6. Valuation and Compensation
  7. Vulnerability Assistance
  8. Stakeholder Engagement
  9. Resettlement Sites
  10. Roles and Responsibilities
  11. Grievance Management
  12. Monitoring and Evaluation
  13. Budget and Schedule
  14. References