![Gender Analysis Manual cover with two women and one man](/sites/default/files/publication-resources/thumbnail/Gender%20Analysis%20Manual.png)
The EPA and CSME Standby Facility is available to CARIFORUM countries to build capacity to better access the benefits of Europe’s Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). Financed by the European Union, the resources are being managed by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). The pool of funds is available to the CARIFORUM region - which comprises the 15 Caribbean Community States and the Dominican Republic - and are directed to finance trade related projects on behalf of governments and business support organisations. Its focus on trade and gender equality is a conscious effort to address noted disparities in the sector.
This manual serves as an introduction to key gender concepts for use by the beneficiaries of the Standby Facility. It is a resource for mainstreaming gender in project activities by ensuring the encapsulation of gender from conceptualisation onward in keeping with the mandate of the Standby Facility and in alignment with CDB's Gender Equality Policy and Strategy (GEPOS) 2019.
Overview of CDB’s gender equality policy and operational strategy
Training module outline
Gender concepts
Introduction to gender
What is gender?
Identifying gender roles
Time use survey
Gender responsive approaches
Gender mainstreaming in projects/programmes.
Conducting a gender analysis
Why a gender analysis?
Approaches to gender analysis: Moser
Access and control framework
Project cycle
Guided questions for the project cycle analysis
Gender dimension in project identification
Gender dimension in project design
Gender dimension in project implementation
Gender dimension in project evaluation
Gender mainstreaming best practices
Glossary of terms