Project Name Sectors & Themes Country Type Winning Bid
Rehabilitation of Loubiere to Bagatelle Road - Phase 1: Loubiere to Grand Bay Civil Works Reconstruction Relief and Rehabilitation Dominica Works Sotradom Ltd and OCM INC. (JV), Dominica

XCD 116,809,280.03
Road Management and Rural Road Improvement Programme (EDF11)- Palmiste Road Rehabilitation Reconstruction Relief and Rehabilitation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works Dipcon Engineering Services Ltd.

XCD 3,257,900.75 (VAT inclusive)
Road Management and Rural Road Improvement Programme (EDF11)- Dandrade Road Rehabilitation Reconstruction Relief and Rehabilitation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works Kelectric Company Ltd.

XCD 2,300,442.98
NDM Disaster Risk Management: Rehabilitation & Reconstruction (December 2013 Trough Event) Orange Hill Highway Rehabilitation Disaster Rehabilitation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works Kelectric Company Ltd.

XCD 2,919,063.75
NDM Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation: Maroon Hill Road Rehabilitation Disaster Rehabilitation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works Dipcon Engineering Services Ltd.

XCD 9,994,961.30
Consultancy Services for the Design of Infrastructure Works for the Four BSIF IV Loan Sub-Projects Social Sector Belize Consultancy CEAC Solutions

XCD 351,05.48 (exclusive of taxes)
Southern St. George Water Supply Expansion Project- Supply of Goods and Equipment for Water Supply and Sewerage Works Water and Sanitation Grenada Goods Isratech Jamaica Limited

USD 2,489,485.50
Integrated Solid Waste Management Project- Grenada: Supply of Equipment Water and Sanitation Grenada Goods NSG Exports Ltd.

EURO 1,532,565.00
Integrated Solid Waste Management Project- Grenada: Construction of Waste Pickers Facility Water and Sanitation Grenada Works Barry's Engineering Company

XCD 194,924.35
Integrated Solid Waste Management Project- Grenada: Supply of Equipment Water and Sanitation Grenada Goods NSG Exports Ltd.

USD 512,635.57