Mar 14, 2022
The Republic of Haiti is a French and Creole speaking country located in the Greater Antilles archipelago on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Haiti includes many smaller islands such as La Gonâve, La Tortue (Tortuga), Les Cayemites, Île de Anacaona, and La Grande Caye. Haiti became a member of the Bank on January 19, 2007.
Capital City
Gourde (HTG)
% of shares
0.78 (as of December 31, 2023)
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By the Numbers
Last Updated - 14/11/2024Distribution of Loans, Contingent Loans, Equity and Grants Approved (NET) by Sector (2008 - 2023)
Total approvals (2008 - 2023) ($'000)