Dominica Geothermal Development- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment- Updated Addendum

In 2018, Jacobs New Zealand Limited (Jacobs) prepared an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the construction and operation of the Dominica Geothermal Project. The Project included the construction and operation of geothermal wells, reinjection systems and a geothermal power plant with a capacity of 7 MW, and connection to the Dominica electrical grid and associated infrastructure. Following an unsuccessful procurement in November 2019, carried out by GoCD using World Bank financing and procurements rules, there has been subsequent design modifications (e.g., increase in capacity from 7 MW to 10 MW, the addition of a production well pad and well, and the relocation of the reinjection well pad and well; see Section 3.0).

The World Bank approved the Jacobs ESIA in 2018. In 2020, ECLIPSE, Inc., prepared an additional ESIA that assessed the impacts of the relocation of the reinjection well, its pad, and reinjection pipeline. 

This ESIA Addendum, prepared by Environmental Resources Management (ERM), updates the existing two ESIAs, provides punctual updates of gaps identified in the existing ESIAs and mitigation/ management plans, assesses the impacts of any additional Project modifications which have occurred recently (described in Section 3 of this document), and provides mitigation and management of those additional impacts (such as for the addition of a back-up production pad and well). 


Table of contents

1. Introduction 

2. Supplemental Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

3. Project Description Modifications Since 2018 ESIA

4. Impact Assessment Methodology

5. Biological Resources Update

6. Socioeconomic Resources Update

7. Cumulative Impact Assessment

8. Conclusion

9. References